The third and final book in the Septimus Heap spinoff series, TodHunter Moon!
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"I really like Septimus Heap. He is my favorite guy in the story. I should make you all read it."― Angie Sage
"Well, I suggest you sleep on it," said Aunt Zelda sensibly. "Things always look better in the morning."― Angie Sage, Magyk
"Shouting something didn't make it any more possible."― Angie Sage, Queste
"Life was simple when you were a Shield Bug."― Angie Sage, Magyk
"Things have a habit of working out, you know. Eventually."― Angie Sage, Magyk
"A little belief in something always helps."― Angie Sage, Physik
"The dragon reared her head, breathing in the storm and loving every minute of it. It was the start of a voyage, and a storm at the beginning of a voyage was always a good omen."― Angie Sage, Magyk
"When the Fyre inside is kindled and when the Time Is Right, anything is possible."― Angie Sage, Fyre
"Aunt Zelda always said: the thought is the seed for deed."― Angie Sage, Darke
"You could give us a hand instead of staring into space like a constipated camel,’ Terry Tarsal rudley broke into Marcia’s spinning thoughts."― Angie Sage, Queste
About Angie Sage
I was born in London and grew up in the Thames Valley, London, and Kent. As a child I loved reading and would often escape to the orchards behind the house with a book. I particularly liked E. Nesbitt’s and Elizabeth Gouge’s books.
My father worked in publishing and would bring home wonderful “dummy” books, beautifully bound with blank pages, that I would fill with pictures and stories. I have written about a dozen books for young readers and illustrated quite a few too, including the Araminta Spookie series...